Worksheets and colouring activities
Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa Fun - Conservation Week Fun
A whole set of ideas and activities to support you in getting your tamariki involved, inspired and nurturing te taiao
Noticing our feelings
An emotions check-in activity to support tamariki emotional literacy and their day at school or kura.
Ngahuru mindful colouring
Sometimes we just need something simple and mindful to re-fill our cup. Ngahuru (Autumn) colouring can be where it's at!
Let's take a brain break!
Give tamariki hard-working brains a solid rest with brain breaks, so they can get back to their mahi feeling fresh as!
Good things bunting
Print or recreate bunting to brighten the day. Use string & staples to make.
Whare Tapa Whā through the holidays!
Spend time with tamariki thinking about what they can do with whānau over the holidays to boost they Hauora and oranga together.
Big and positive emotions with Te Whare Tapa Whā
A whole wiki of activities based around noticing the beauty around us, sprinkled with a good dose of gratitude
Random Acts of Kindness Bingo
Alongside some kind prompts, this little game played over a day or week should shift the focus and support the fact that kindness is cool!
Kōanga mindful colouring
Sometimes we just need something simple and mindful to re-fill our cup. Kōanga (Spring) colouring can be where it's at with the added extra of some te taiao time!
Encouraging pukapuka love
Sometimes tamariki need some help finding their love for pukapuka. Here's an activity to help tamariki find some pukapuka joy using Te Whare Tapa Whā.
Embracing Te Reo Māori with Te Whare Tapa Whā
We've got a whole wiki of activities to inspire your ākonga to grow and develop their te Reo Māori while continuing their hauora learning with Te Whare Tapa Whā.
Hauora explorers
We've got a whole wiki of activities lined up that support the learning of how we can care for our hauora. Each activity links to an aspect of the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
Our gratitude rākau
Blending coloring with gratitude this activity creates an opportunity to think and reflect on all the good in our lives.
My point of view
Supporting tamariki to develop empathy and begin to understand that how they feel in a scenario can be entirely different to someone else
20 ways to play
Supporting tamariki in considering the effect their actions can have on their health and wellbeing. An awesome way to lead in to the school holidays
Ko au tēnei
A super simple activity to support tamariki to reflect on those people and things that make them who they are.
Self-kindness reflections
An activity with a focus on caring for ourselves. Reflecting on how we can treat ourselves better.
Manu of Aotearoa colouring
An activity all about taking a moment to ourselves while colouring and learning a little more about our native manu (birds)
Puanga/Puaka wishes
Bring tamariki together to make some wishes, set some goals, and celebrate Puanga/Puaka
Kererū mindful colouring
An activity all about taking a moment to ourselves while colouring and reflecting on the past and our goals for the future
End of year Raumati crafts
Combine some colouring and crafts to get in the Raumati mood along with some taiao time. Perfect after a big year as we ease into the holidays