Kōrero and reflection based
The whenua we share
This activity connects, and encourages exploration of the shared spaces around us.
Whakarongo mai
From listening comes understanding. And that's what this activity is all about.
Kaitiaki champions
An activity that helps us understand our role as kaitiaki and the sustainable practice we can have here in Aotearoa.
Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa Fun - Conservation Week Fun
A whole set of ideas and activities to support you in getting your tamariki involved, inspired and nurturing te taiao
Noticing our feelings
An emotions check-in activity to support tamariki emotional literacy and their day at school or kura.
Emotional Kanikani
A fun wellbeing boost which supports tamariki emotional literacy and kanikani moves!
Ngoi Waves (Energy Waves)
A fun favourite for kaiako and tamariki for setting or re-setting our ngoi (energy) as moana waves.
Good things bunting
Print or recreate bunting to brighten the day. Use string & staples to make.
Matariki kōhatu (stones)
Learn about the 9 Matariki whetū (stars) that make up the Matariki cluster, especially Hiwa-i-te-rangi - the wishing star! Then paint kōhatu (stones) with whetū
Matariki learning
Matariki is important in our Aotearoa context and te Ao Māori. It marks the beginning of a new year, a time to reflect, be present and plan for the year ahead.
Mindful Matariki
Matariki is a wonderful time to spend some time being mindful and present. In this way tamariki can sink into the slower takurua time.
Te Whare Tapa Whā a day at a time…
Using the concept of an advent calendar, your tamariki open a window of Te Whare Tapa Whā boosting activities each day to support their hauora!
Set some goals!
It can be really helpful to support tamariki growth mindset with goal setting. This one includes some artwork and thinking about the ara (journey) to reach goals.
Matariki literacy
A wee alternative to the 'what I did over the holidays' writing that includes some mindful, pinpointing of specific magic moments.
Big and positive emotions with Te Whare Tapa Whā
A whole wiki of activities based around noticing the beauty around us, sprinkled with a good dose of gratitude
Random Acts of Kindness Bingo
Alongside some kind prompts, this little game played over a day or week should shift the focus and support the fact that kindness is cool!
Hauora explorers
We've got a whole wiki of activities lined up that support the learning of how we can care for our hauora. Each activity links to an aspect of the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
Dialling up our strengths
Supporting the kōrero around our strengths and personal potential. We all have strengths, sometimes we just need help using them
Our gratitude rākau
Blending coloring with gratitude this activity creates an opportunity to think and reflect on all the good in our lives.
Space bubbles
An activity to support tamariki in developing social skills and beginning to understand personal space. Made in collaboration with a speech therapist
Kindness missions
An activity all about acts of kindness with those around us, supporting tamariki to think about how their actions can affect others with a little mission each day
Self kindness reflections
An activity with a focus on caring for ourselves. Reflecting on how we can treat ourselves better.
Puanga/Puaka wishes
Bring tamariki together to make some wishes, set some goals, and celebrate Puanga/Puaka