Puanga/Puaka wishes
An activity to prompt some Puanga/Puaka celebrations and learning while reflecting on some goals and wishes for the future
Firstly, the science...
Research shows that when children are reflecting or considering their hopes, wishes, and goals for the future this process fosters self-reflection and self-awareness. By thinking about their aspirations, children further understand their interests, strengths, and areas for growth. This self-awareness is crucial for building a strong sense of identity and confidence.
Why this activity?
We have a couple of ideas to support your Waitī learning. These activities will encourage ākonga to explore and grow their understanding of the local awa around them.
You'll need
Our Puanga/Puaka wishes worksheet, some colouring pencils or crayons, and your amazing tamariki
What to do
Lead in to this activity with a kōrero focusing on Puanga, a single whetū, rising in the sky separately to the Matariki cluster. Traditionally, it signalled the end of the year and the arrival of the colder months. This was a time to prepare for winter by gathering and storing kai, making clothes, planting trees, and tending to gardens. After this busyness, whānau took the opportunity to rest a little, reflect on the year, and enjoy other pursuits such as carving and weaving. This was the time to nurture themselves and others, reset, reflect, and restore energy levels.
Start with a kōrero around the concept of wishes, goals, and hopes. Explain why it's important to think about our dreams and aspirations. Share a few examples of simple wishes or goals to inspire the tamariki.
Give tamariki time to decorate their whetū with colors and designs that make them happy. While doing this encourage tamariki to reflect on the past and make some goals and wishes to the future.
After completing their colouring encourage tamariki to take their Puanga home and display it as a reminder of their goals and aspirations for the future.
Kaiako card
To come
Whānau engagement
Encourage tamariki to take their whetū home and kōrero goals and wishes with whānau while sharing their Puanga/Puaka learning
And to add to this...
To support your tamariki to continue exploring our native manu, try some mindful colouring with our Manu or Aotearoa colouring sheet.
Curriculum links
Personal Health and physical development: A1 - Personal growth and development
Personal Health and physical development: A4 - Personal identity