Set some goals!
It can be really helpful to support tamariki growth mindset with a goal setting activity, and here’s the research based way to do just that! Oh, and it’s fun!

Firstly, the science...
This activity includes adding a visual ara (path or journey) alongside written goals.
The ara (path or journey) metaphor is powerful - researchers have found that the ara (journey) metaphor gives us a greater sense of personal growth, a feeling of changing and learning over the course of the goal's experience. Rather than us only 'reaching' a goal, it's about understanding and enjoying the journey there. It's this that better supports new habits.
Why this activity?
We love this activity because it depicts that we reach our goals one step at a time. It supports a growth mindset and it's pretty exciting setting some fun, new goals.
You'll need
Art equipment - felts, paints, pencils or crayons and paper
What to do
Kōrero with tamariki about some goals they would like to set for themselves over the coming year - what would they like to accomplish, improve or achieve? Keep this manageable!
Get the art equipment out and paint, draw or print an ‘ara’ (path) - something meaningful to them like the track to the beach, the path through the bush, the steps up to their house, a familiar road or short-cut in the community…
They can then add their goals to the back of this picture, and the word ‘ara’ to the picture (front).
It might be nice to display them at school and make some smaller copies - like for the front of their pukapuka or tote tray as reminders. Come back to these often, ask about their ara, check in.
Be sure to create a copy for home too (see Whānau Engagement)
Kaiako card
To make things easier, refer to or print the kaiako card for this activity.
Whānau engagement
A copy of their ara and goals added is an awesome way to support tamariki school and home connection. They might share photos of them producing their artwork alongside their goals, then ask for their whānau support to help them stick to the path to reach them.
And to add to this...
After setting goals it is great to take sometime to be present in the moment and reflect and think, some great activities to go with this is Ngahuru Mindful Colouring
Curriculum Links
Health and PE Curriculum
Personal Health and physical development: A1 - Personal growth and development