What is whole school wellbeing?
There are two key points:
A whole school approach is an interactive way of thinking about your school as a multidimensional and collective system that supports hauora.
And this means that instead of taking an individualistic approach to promoting health and wellbeing to an ākonga, a whole school approach to wellbeing understands that tamariki wellbeing is largely affected by their environments and relationships as well as their own personal behaviours.
And to add to this...
The term ‘whole school’ can be portrayed differently and should be personalised to school and community uniqueness, values and beliefs. . Wellbeing education has become an important area of the New Zealand curriculum, but how schools utilise their resources and demonstrate good habits will determine how their ākonga understand and practice wellbeing.
Education about how overall wellbeing is more than just individual habits is important for ākonga to learn as early as they can, they will soon start to recognise how their relationships with kaiako as well as whānau and friends can support and enhance their personal social and emotional wellbeing. There is growing evidence to show that schools prioritising wellbeing positively impact the way ākonga know and understand themselves, their peers, and their whānau. The benefits also stretch as far as improving overall academic performance with higher levels of self-control and lower likelihood of procrastination.