Hauora explorers
We've got a whole wiki of activities lined up which work together to support the greater learning of how we can care for our hauora and wellbeing using the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
Firstly, the science...
Giving tamariki opportunities to learn about what influences their hauora empowers them with the tools and ability to manage their wellbeing - pivotal across their life course. As well as this, we know the Five Ways to Wellbeing are evidenced based across international research. You can read about this by downloading the New Economics Foundation (NEF) report here.
Why this activity?
These are some quick and easy activities you can bring across your wiki to support your tamariki to develop an understanding of the Five Ways to Wellbeing and consequently empower them to begin to take control and lead their wellbeing journey. This activity was developed for Mental Health Awareness Week, however, can be brought to life at any time of the year.
What to do
Start the wiki off with a kōrero introducing the Five Ways to Wellbeing, discuss the influence the 5 ways can have on our hauora and perhaps give some examples of what each of the five ways may look like. The Mental Health Foundation have some awesome resources to help with this kōrero
Mane - me aro tonu (take notice)
For this one head over to our activity Manu of a Feather.
Manu of a Feather is an awesome activity that blends mindfulness (taking notice) with movement.
Tūrei - tukua (give)
Start your day with a kōrero around the power of a compliment. Giving a compliment to those around us doesn't only make the person who is receiving it feel good, but can also make us feel good because of making someone else's day. Ask tamariki to consider how they feel when they receive a compliment and how they feel when they compliment someone else.
Go on to explain what it means to give a meaningful compliment. A great way to explain meaningful compliments is in terms of “I ams” and "I cans"
Ask tamariki to think about “I ams” - that is, things that we can’t change - our eye colour, our ethnicity, our height, and while it’s always cool to receive compliments on these things, they’re not as powerful as the “I cans” - these aren't attributes, they are the things we have control over.
Kōrero with tamariki about the “I cans” which are the skills and talents we can work on, can improve, can change. Complimenting these things makes meaningful compliments and supports others to continue and improve what we know, do and try. We love it when we're complimented on a skill that we've worked hard to develop.
Explain that today we all have the goal of giving out five meaningful compliments (these are the "I cans").
You may need to remind tamariki throughout the day to think of opportunities to compliment those around us.
Take some time at the end of the day together to quietly reflect on how giving compliments made us feel. Be sure to tell tamariki that even if they didn't manage to give out all five compliments even one will have still made a real difference in that person's day.
Wenerei - me kori tonu (be active)
Today, take your tamariki on a short adventure out in the taiao.
Kōrero about the impact being active can have on our hauora and how being active doesn’t always have to mean playing sport.
Adjust our ideas below to relate to your environment or add to them to extend the activity.
Hop until you find something whero
Jog until you find a porotaka (circle)
Skip until you find something karaka
Tāite - me whakawhanaunga (connect)
An awesome short brain break during your learning day.
Write or show these 3 pātai on the board and ask tamariki to pair up with one of their classmates – preferably someone they don’t feel they know so well. Give the time to kōrero about the 3 pātai, taking turns answering them.
Who has made you smile recently?
What is one thing you are grateful for today?
What is something that you're looking forward to?
Paraire – me ako tonu (keep learning)
All this wiki tamariki have been learning about The Five Ways to Wellbeing. Using our My Five Ways to Wellbeing worksheet ask tamariki to identify more activities that they enjoy or would like to try that support each aspect of the five ways.
This gives tamariki an awesome hauora list for tamariki to reflect on and dip into as part of their day-to-day life and to care for their hauora. Throughout the wiki tamariki have been completing games and activities that have been fun AND had a hauroa enhancing impact!
Tamariki might like to share ideas and continue to add to this worksheet. They might like to take this home too and add to it as a whānau.
Whānau engagement
Encourage ākonga to share their learning around hauora with whānau. Tamariki could kōrero with whānau about their My Five Ways to Wellbeing worksheet discussing additional ideas that they enjoy as a whānau and also care for their wellbeing.
And to add to this...
The Mental Health Foundation have some fantastic free resources on their website
If you would like some more ka rawe activities, you can use that connect with each of the five ways we have you covered with
Me whakawhanaunga (connect)
Me aro tonu (take notice)
Tukua (give):
Me kori tonu (be active)
Me ako tonu (keep learning)
Well, we know you have this covered in every way!
Curriculum links
Personal Health and physical development: A2 - Regular physical activity
Movement concepts and motor skills: B1 - Movement concepts and motor skills
Relationships with other people: C1 - Relationships
Relationships with other people: C2 - Identity, sensitivity, and respect
Creating meaning for themselves or others (speaking, writing, and presenting).